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Torch Technologies | July 2019-Nov 2020
"SIMVANA is a virtual reality (VR) training simulator that immerses anesthesia providers in complex and difficult situations, teaches them how to handle them, and then allows them to practice—not until they get it right, but until they can no longer get it wrong."
Designing and prototyping intuitive objective and hint systems for scenarios:
Dynamic 3D UI widgets to display quick objective or component information within the environment.
2D animations to demonstrate Oculus controls for specific interactions.
Designing flashing shaders to distinguish objects from surroundings.
Designing 'Ghost' component locations to convey where held components will snap/connect to.
Designing and prototyping UI featured on 3D objects:
Clipboard/tablet UI to provide in-depth scenario and patient information.
Intuitive anesthesia machine UI to clearly display machine/patient values and allow easy user interaction with the monitors.
Designing UI for web-page access and interaction.
Designing and implementing diegetic Main Menu / On-Boarding level:
Game settings selected through interactions within the 3D environment.
Complex Oculus controls introduced through fun and easy interactions.
Objective and hint systems introduced while guiding user to above interactions.
Theme replicates a nurses station.
Unreal Engine 4 & Blueprints
Oculus Rift S
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustator
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